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Level Up! update v1.1


Today I published an update to Level Up! Version 1.1 comes with three new features and some bug fixes.

Custom Level Progression

This one comes as the result of the suggestions a couple reviewers have left for the app. You can now set the amount of XP you think you need at each level. By default, it's set to a pseudo-Fibonacci progression. But for people who want more control, the option to customize is now available.

Custom Level Progression

Event Notes

The activity log in version 1.0 simply displayed XP events and when they occurred. It served as a very basic way to get a slightly more detailed view of your attribute progression. In this update, you can now attach a note to every XP event. It makes for a great journal of your progression history and remembering the hows, whats, and whys behind what you've done.

Event Notes

Streak Counter

For the users trying to form habits, consistency is key. The streak counter tracks how many consecutive days you've been active on a given attribute.

Thanks to the nearly 500 people who have downloaded Level Up! so far. Hopefully this update provides a touch more help towards reaching your goals.